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Das Herz - Anatomie unserer Lebenspumpe - Animus Medicus GmbH

The heart - anatomy of our life pump

Have you ever experienced the moment when the chest is opened during an operation and the shimmering surface of the heart is revealed? Big as a fist, it pumps blood through your veins and keeps you alive. And in the process, the  Heart and its Anatomy  a fascinating beauty.

You can experience this indescribable look of the surgeon with a  drawing  from  Bring Animus Medicus to your home. You will see a detailed frontal view of the  Heart anatomy, as experienced by the surgical team. Weighing in at just 300 grams, the heart is on duty around the clock and beats around three billion times in our lifetime.

In adults, a healthy heart is up to twelve centimeters long, about eight centimeters thick at its widest point, and six centimeters deep. Protected by the connective tissue pericardium, the heart lies in the mediastinum in the middle of the chest. It is firmly connected to the diaphragm at the bottom. It is surrounded on the right and left by the two lungs, against which it can move freely and is separated by the pleura.

The largest vessels in the body branch off to the sides and upwards and are as thick as a garden hose. The aorta and the pulmonary artery leave the heart. The pulmonary veins and vena cavae flow into the heart.

The vessels and the heart form a closed circuit. The left ventricle pumps the blood into the aorta. From there it flows to all organs and tissues to supply them with vital oxygen.

The oxygen-poor and carbon dioxide-rich blood flows back into the right atrium, from there into the right ventricle, then into the lungs. There it is enriched with oxygen again and carbon dioxide is exhaled. The blood then continues to the left atrium and the left ventricle, where it all starts again.

Heart Anatomy: A Muscle That Keeps Us Alive

The largest part of the heart mass is muscle. At first glance at the  heart anatomy  This appears to be quite simply distributed. The heart is divided into a right and left half, each of which has a ventricle and an atrium. In total, this makes four cardiac chambers.

But the muscles are much more than just a shell: they are made up of several layers that extend in loops and circles from the base of the heart to the tip of the heart.

Through the delicate cooperation of the muscles, the heart manages to contract and eject blood.  drawing  like our Heart Overview, whether in the vintage look or the black and white chalk edition, the beauty of the  heart anatomy  in a very special light. Sit down, take a break and enjoy the elegance of our life pump - while it continues to do its work deep inside you without a break and gives you life.

How fast the heart beats depends on age. In adults, it is about 60 to 80 beats per minute at rest, in infants about 150. In a healthy person, the entire volume of blood, around five liters in adults, is pumped through the body once every minute.

But not only the human  heart anatomy  performs this feat day in, day out! While you can only hear the heart of a mouse ticking at a frequency of 600 beats per minute, a diving blue whale can eject up to 5000 litres of water at two beats per minute!

Behind the scenes: What does it look like under the heart muscle?

The Heart Section Drawing available from us  even reveals the inside of our wonderful organ. The heart valves are located between the atria and ventricles, as well as between the ventricles and the vessels connected to them. The valves are the heart's valves and ensure that the blood flows in the right direction and not back where it doesn't belong.

Nevertheless, this can sometimes happen: Heart valve defects and congenital heart defects are among the most common heart diseases. If the valves are leaky, blood flows back in the wrong direction. If the valves are stuck, calcified or overgrown, the path for the blood is too narrow. Dizziness and shortness of breath can be the result.

In addition, valve defects are stressful for the heart! The muscles can thicken or become worn out over time. But even if the  heart its anatomy  can change, it is always there for you.

While the heart, as the engine of the body, supplies all other organs, its own blood supply is rather inconspicuous. The supply of the heart muscle is ensured by the coronary arteries. They arise directly from the beginning of the aorta and divide into three large branches.

These inconspicuous parts of the  heart anatomy  but play a key role. If the coronary arteries are narrowed, there is a risk of a heart attack.

On our  drawing  Invisible but essential for the complete package are the nerves of the heart. The pacemaker of the heart is a network of nerves called the sinus node. It sets the rhythm and transmits it via nerve strands to the AV node, which transmits the excitation to the ventricles. In this way, coordinated information reaches all muscle cells, enabling the heart muscle to beat in an orderly manner.

The heart's nervous system is so special that it has another surprise: it can function completely on its own! Even if the heart were removed from the body, it could still beat on its own for a while (assuming it had oxygen and nutrients)!

Well if! For now we have the heart only by  drawing  taken from the body. So that you can experience the fascinating  heart anatomy  on your own wall.